Helen offers a range of services: talks to sports clubs, schools, individual consultations, group workshops, and telephone or Skype sessions. Please contact her to discuss your requirements.
At an initial meeting, Helen will discuss with you what you want to get out of the sessions. From this meeting Helen will follow-up with an individual plan tailored to you. Sometimes, just a few sessions can have a positive impact on a targeted area; others may wish to enter a longer-term programme exploring all elements of sport psychology.
All costs for each session include preparation prior to the session and written feedback afterwards.
- Initial introductory meeting (45 minutes): £65
- Individual consultations (55 minutes): £90
- Individual consultations (45 minutes): £75
- Skype/Telephone Consultancy sessions: as above
- Group workshops: please enquire for further details, costs and requirements
- Talks to Sports Clubs or group: please enquire for further details, costs and requirements
- Spotlight individual profiles are £170 for a 1-hour session.
You will receive your own personality profile (bound A4 copy) and a full individual debrief exploring your behavioural style and mindset. You will discover what your drivers are, your strengths, what gives you confidence, how you respond to setbacks and success and lots more.
Please note: Travel fees may apply if Helen agrees to meet you at an alternative agreed location. Please ask for a quote.