“Thank you for all of your work with our team this year. you offer us all amazing support and are constantly providing us with strategies to build our confidence and perform better. Meeting with you helps us to address issues, learn about ourselves and become better prepared overall. You are always encouraging and supportive and have helped us so much”
“You are such a fantastic asset to the team, and I valued your advice so, so much, thank you”
“It was good to have someone from outside of the squad who could be impartial and help work through inter-personal issues and team dynamic aspects”
“Helen really helped me when I was struggling a bit with my mental health. Thank you”
“I really appreciated Helen reading the situation so well, knowing when something needed to be said or when to not say anything. … she went the extra mile to talk to everyone and we could all see the impact it had”
“It was really nice to just have her around (at the boat race), it was a very calming presence, especially in the final 45 minutes before boating for the race”
“She created a very friendly space for honest communication about potentially stressful topics- something that was extremely valuable”
“She is always available to chat, even if it is last minute, she always makes time”
“She is a neutral party there to listen and help, not someone who takes sides”
Cambridge University Rowing 2019